New business: Short works.

Everyone who receives your calls and sees your email is grumpy.

This is harsh (and certainly not always true) but it’s a good way to picture your target as you forget yourself and write your magnum opus (where a basic intro email would have been fine!).

Don’t imagine your prospects are looking forward to reading your huge sales email; know deep in your heart that they are already hovering over the DELETE icon and that you need to say something fast before the finger drops.

Don’t try to make friends. Don’t hope they had a nice weekend (and definitely don’t ‘trust’ the weather where they are is pleasant).


Say hello, and then IMMEDIATELY tell them why you matter. “We’ve just increased CLIENT X’s sell through by 200%” is a strong opening that’s hard to miss or ignore. “Our work on CLIENT Z has just helped them get listed on AO” also hits the mark AND the prospect has read the entire sentence before even knowing they were reading.

Tell them something you’ve achieved, and then tell them how much you think you can achieve for them.

People aren’t interested in strangers, but they are interested in strangers walking towards them holding out hands full of cash while shouting “FREE CASH!”… so try to convey that in your emails.

It’s not about manipulating greed, it’s about saying something that serves the target more than it serves you. Show off QUICKLY and then focus the spotlight onto the recipient and explain what that means for them in a realistic, understated but impressive way.

If they get through your entire email before they’ve even raised a coffee to their lips, you’re already the best email they’ve received today.