
I’m telling you something you already know when I say that bulk emails are crap.

Every once in a while (if you’re lucky) you might get an email that HAS to be a bulk email but is written so well that you’re not 100% sure you’re “1 of 2,000” on this campaign.

In New Business there are two truths:

1) Email outreach is completely necessary

2) Personalisation makes a MASSIVE difference to response rates

So… how do we keep the emails flowing while still retaining personalisation but without it smelling like an obvious bulk campaign?

One simple approach is to do a little email outreach very often. So, this afternoon, open up that wish list of potential clients and pick the top ten you think are realistic targets. Now write the first prospect a genuine and honest bespoke email. Tell them why you think you can make a difference to their business. Tell them about the work you know they’ve been involved in that’s led you to them. Tell them about results you’ve achieved in their industry….


Now take that email and copy and paste it into the 2nd email of your daily ‘campaign’. If you’ve written the first one honestly and intelligently, you should now be able to go in and replace a few details but still come out with a personable, non-bulk-smelling email. Do this ten times and boom - you’ve got the basis of a decent email outreach that won’t jump out as lazy automated new business spew.

Do that a few times a week and you’ll find those hundreds in your database all soon get attended to.

Now you just have to convert them. Happy hunting.